This page refers to BikeHub access system

If you're at a BART station, click here for BikeLink help instead.


Time to renew! (Your membership is expired).


  • Log in to your account.
  • Select a membership option, and renew your account.
  • Note: in some cases, it can take a moment before the kiosk updates with your renewal.  Allow up to 5 minutes for sync.  


Access denied. (Our records do not show this ID to be associated with a membership).


  • Log in to your account.
  • First time user?  Check for typos in your transit card number.
  • Got a new transit card? register the new transit card numbers to your account. 
  • See a card you don't have anymore?  Unregister it for account security.


There's something wrong. (Your membership is currently on hold).



RFID Transit card read not recognized (no response from card reader)

Something else?

If you're having a problem, email a detailed description to [email protected].  Pictures help!  Include a photo in your email.