How can we help?
Article suggestions
The Basics
5 articles
How do I start parking my bike?
How do you verify users?
I don't have an email address / credit card.
Where can I get a BikeLink card?
I have a new BikeLink card. Now what?
How To Park
9 articles
Can I park an [e-bike / scooter / tandem / cargo bike /etc…]?
BikeHub Access Kiosks
Bicycle locking recommendations
How long can I park my bike?
I am having issues entering the 24hr controlled access.
Can I park multiple bikes?
How do I use the parking racks?
Is it safe?
View all articles in “How To Park”
About / Contact Us
5 articles
Reporting threats and vandalism
Who is behind the BART Bike Station?
Who is behind the Metro Bike Hub?
Who is behind the Caltrain BikeHub?
Getting help
My BikeHub account
12 articles
I forgot my password
I lost my card
I want to renew my account
Can I cancel my membership?
I want to cancel Auto-Renew
How do I add or remove a bike from my account?
BikeHub Premium Discount Program
Do I need an access card?
View all articles in “My BikeHub account”
Types of parking
5 articles
Self-parking rooms (controlled access)
BART Self-parking rooms
Valet bike parking stations
Bikeep Racks
Metro Bike Locker Program Questions
Additional Services
3 articles
Where can I get my bike repaired?
Where can I rent a bike?
Are you the same as Metro Bike Share?